Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Calling all Twi-hards!

Are you on Team Edward or Team Jacob? If you can even answer that question, then you need to set your DVR for tonite at 10pm to tape the Jimmy Kimmel Live Twighlight Special. Is it wrong that I'm a grown woman geeking out about this special?

Since this blog is food related I figured I'd let you in on a great snackable supper to eat while watching tonite (if you eat late). Trader Joes has these insanely good tarts by Maitre Pierre called Tarte d'Alsace. They are brimming with carmelized onions, ham and gooey Gruyere. Have some salad with your slice and voila you've got yourself a great quick TV dinner.

Top if off with some SanPellegrino Aranciata and you're all set to settle in with Mr. Pattinson, not that I'm "Robsessed" or anything....

1 comment:

  1. Girlfriend! There is a reason why we are such buddies. Each food item that you mention in this blog is currently in my house (Costco has really affordable 24 packs of 1/2 lemon and half aranciata San Pellegrino, but you probably already know that)

